Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2023

The Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2023 will be the first hybrid edition, with thought leadership insights, industry debates, keynote speeches and networking opportunities both in-person and online.

The Derivatives Forum Frankfurt takes place on 22-24 May 2023.

As the leading European conference, the Derivatives Forum covers trending topics for the financial industry and focuses on trading and clearing for derivatives and securities financing across asset classes.

Eurex holds its annual conferences across several European locations.

March 22, 2023 - March 23, 2023



Thomas Book
Member of the Executive Board, Trading & Clearing, Deutsche Börse

With more than 20 years of industry experience, Thomas Book is one of the pioneers in the field of electronic trading. Having joined Deutsche Börse Group in 1995, he was part of the team that rolled out DTB‘s remote membership concept across Europe and the US. During this time, he was able to gain deep insights into the trading business and the importance of innovation and technology for an exchange. Book also was part of the project that founded Eurex, the first of its kind cross border exchange merger of DTB and Soffex. In 2001, he rounded off his profound industry knowledge with a Ph. D. thesis on "Electronic exchange trading and global markets". Prior to being appointed Member of the Supervisory Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG, Book was CEO of Eurex Frankfurt AG from 2016 until June 2020. Previously, Book already shaped Deutsche Börse‘s clearing business for many years. Appointed to the Eurex Board in 2007, he was Head of Clearing until 2014. In 2013, he assumed the role as CEO of Eurex Clearing AG which he held until 2016. As of 1 July 2018, Book was appointed as Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG, responsible for Trading & Clearing. Furthermore, Book is chairing the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, he is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of European Energy Exchange AG as well as Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of 360 Treasury Systems AG and of China Europe International Exchange AG.

Stéphane Boujnah
CEO and Chairman of the Managing Board, Euronext

Stéphane Boujnah is CEO and Chairman of the Managing Board of Euronext, the pan-European market infrastructure operating regulated markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris, as well as a post-trade infrastructure in Copenhaguen. Before joining Euronext, Stéphane Boujnah was Head of Santander Global Banking and Markets for Continental Europe. From 2005 to 2010, he was Managing Director at Deutsche Bank responsible for the development of the investment banking operations in France. Previously he founded and developed KM5 Capital, an advisory company specialized in equity raising and M&A advice for venture capital funds and innovative technology companies. From 2000 to 2002, he was Director of the European M&A team of Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group in Palo Alto (California) and London. From 1997 to 1999, Stéphane Boujnah was adviser to the French Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. He was responsible for innovation policies, privatisations in the technology sector, international investments projects in France and the development of the New Economy. He started his career in 1991 as a business lawyer at Freshfields, focusing on M&A, privatisations and international investments in Eastern Europe. He graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. He holds a Master degree and a DEA in Law from La Sorbonne Paris, a LLM in Law from the University of Kent in Canterbury and a MBA from Insead. Stéphane Boujnah was a member of the Commission pour la Libération de la Croissance Française established by President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. He is founder and Vice-President of the French think tank En Temps Réel, where he published “L’inoxydable modèle suédois” in 2003, a book on the Swedish government and economic model. He is President of the Board of directors of Accentus and Insula Orchestra. He is Vice-President of the Board of Prométhée Education, a non-profit organization focusing on the support to underprivileged teenagers to boost ambition, access to higher education and preparation to life changing job opportunities.

Heike Eckert
Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse

Heike has been a member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG since 1 July 2020, responsible for the areas of HR and Compliance. In this capacity, she drives all people and compliance matters for over 10,000 Deutsche Börse Group colleagues in 30 different countries. 

From 2013 to 2020 Heike Eckert was the Deputy CEO as well as COO of Eurex Clearing AG.

Besides her role at Deutsche Börse, she serves on the Board of Directors of European Energy Exchange AG, European Commodities Clearing AG and ISS Holdco Inc.

Joschka Fischer
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor of Germany

The former Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany (1998–2005) led the Green Party in its first participation in government, on both the state (Hesse) and federal levels. From 2006 to 2007, Mr Fischer held a professorship at Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (USA). Mr Fischer is a founding partner of Joschka Fischer & Company.

Klaus Löber
Chair of the CCP Supervisory Committee, ESMA

Klaus Löber is the first Chair of the ESMA CCP Supervisory Committee (CCP SC) and Director for Central Counterparties (CCPs) at the European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA). He took up office on 1 December 2020 and is serving a five year term. His areas of responsibility encompass the tasks attributed by EMIR to the CCP SC, in particular the enhancement of supervisory convergence and ensuring a resilient CCP landscape in the EU as well the monitoring and management of the risk that CCPs established in third countries may pose to the EU. He is also chairing the ESMA CCP Policy Committee contributing to the EU Single Rule Book in the area of CCPs.

Prior to this role, Mr Löber was Head of Oversight of the European Central Bank in charge of the oversight of financial market infrastructures, payments instruments and schemes.

From 2012 to 2016, he was Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, the global standard setting body in the area of payments, clearing and settlement hosted by the Bank for International Settlement in Basel, Switzerland.

Earlier positions include the European Commission, Deutsche Bundesbank and private practice.

Mr Löber regularly publishes on financial markets legal, regulatory and infrastructure issues and lectures at universities.

Erik Müller
CEO, Eurex Clearing

Erik Tim Müller, CEO of Eurex Clearing AG, has over 20 years of experience in Capital Markets and is a member of the Executive Board of Eurex Clearing AG since April 2013. He is also a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland, represents Eurex on the CFTC Global Markets Advisory Committee and serves on the Board of Directors of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA).

As Managing Director of Deutsche Börse Group, he has been previously responsible for Corporate Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) for many years. Since the IPO of Deutsche Börse in 2001, Müller has been a manager of Deutsche Börse Group. He has been responsible for Group Treasury and Investor Relations, including all treasury activities of two bank licensed businesses of Deutsche Börse Group, Eurex Clearing in Frankfurt/Main and Clearstream in Luxembourg since 2008.

Müller holds a dual degree MBA from Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany and the Fuqua Business School in North Carolina, USA.

Michael Peters
CEO, Eurex

Michael Peters is CEO of Eurex Frankfurt AG since July 2020. He has been a member of the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG since 2006 and had been Vice Chairman of the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG since February 2016. He is also a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland.


From 2001 to 2006, Mr. Peters worked at OMX AB in Stockholm (now part of Nasdaq) as Head of Projects as well as for Strategic Initiatives. Besides important projects for exchange and clearing organizations in the U.S. and Asia/Pacific, his duties included the evaluation and implementation of strategic initiatives for the next generation of trading and clearing systems.


From 2000 to 2001, he was Managing Director of Trading Technologies in Frankfurt and Chicago, responsible for Business Development. From 1991 to 2000, Mr. Peters held various management positions within Deutsche Börse and Eurex, as well as Deutsche Terminbörse (DTB), a predecessor of Eurex. From March 2006 until March 2013 he was a Member of the Executive Board of Eurex Clearing AG.


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